The Perfect Summer Cologne

The Perfect Summer Cologne

Spoiler alert: the perfect summer aftershave or cologne doesn’t exist. But we have something even better...

Let's get real. The perfect ‘any kind of aftershave or cologne’ doesn’t really exist.

Every man should be comfortable finding his own signature scent, and ideally like a chef with a good spice rack, he should be confident mixing up his own blends on the fly for every occasion. Our job is to make that easy.

Enter our UNITE Cologne Collection, designed to be blended on your skin every morning, every evening, for the perfect dinner-with-friends scent, the perfect Friday-night-drinks scent...

Right now for Thomas Clipper co-founder Antonio, the perfect "Fresh Summer Morning Dip In The Med" scent right now is a blend of two sprays Coast, one spray City.

But if you’re anything like us you’ll want to get out there and discover your own perfect blend for the season, the occasion, your mood or the temperature of the sea (right now: still a little chilly, but getting there...).

Mix up the three scents, City Coast and Country, in different proportions right on your skin. Blend your perfect mix and discover your perfect summer cologne.

Keep discovering.

Try the 22.5ml Unite Trio - Travel Edition to begin your cologne blending journey…

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Some of our favourites...

Handmade men's fragrances, available direct in the UK and USA.

As seen in The Guardian, Wallpaper, Monocle. Recommended in British GQ's 'favourite men's fragrances' 7 years running. Read our reviews.

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